Re: [css-overflow]: Suggestion - add property value to allow scrolling without scrollbar

> On 27 Feb 2015, at 21:47, Sanja Bonic <> wrote:
>> The microsoft incarnation of the overflow-style property, which has existed and disappeared in various drafts with different values, would solve this:
>> -ms-overflow-style: auto | none | scrollbar | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar
> That's a good thing. One other option is to leave overflow as is and just add an additional
> scrollbar: visible | hidden

The naming you suggest is arguably better, but this is essentially the same property, as overflow-style, despite the name, is not a long-hand of overflow. *If* we add it, I do think that 4 values is reasonable:

- auto: platform default behavior
- visible (scrollbar in ms's proposal): always show
- hidden (none in ms's proposal): always hide
- dynamic / autohiding / autohiding-scrollbar: show during scroll, hide otherwise

> We could also add something that would be implemented like a styleable overlay showing where you are at the page, similar to what a Kindle shows with % of a book completed. Of course, that only makes sense for pages with a lot of content.

Couldn't this be done by using the none/hidden value of the property discussed above, and rolling your own using js? Providing styleable native controls is always tricky.

 - Florian

Received on Friday, 27 February 2015 13:11:58 UTC