Re: [css-overflow]: Suggestion - add property value to allow scrolling without scrollbar

>> >(-a-)
>> >Rename the current "scroll" value to "scrollbar" and give "scroll" the new non-bar semantics. (doubtful to happen)
This is bad for those people who have styled their scrollbars etc. Of 
course, it's convenient for others who don't need to change anything and 
have the scrollbar removed.

But as Florian pointed out, it might not be beneficial for recognizing 
if it's scrollable or not.

>> >(-b-)
>> >Be creative and come up with a pleasant name for the new property value, e.g. "scroll-no-bars".
> The microsoft incarnation of the overflow-style property, which has existed and disappeared in various drafts with different values, would solve this:
> -ms-overflow-style: auto | none | scrollbar | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar
That's a good thing. One other option is to leave overflow as is and 
just add an additional

scrollbar: visible | hidden

We could also add something that would be implemented like a styleable 
overlay showing where you are at the page, similar to what a Kindle 
shows with % of a book completed. Of course, that only makes sense for 
pages with a lot of content.


Received on Friday, 27 February 2015 12:48:17 UTC