RE: [css-flexbox] Should "max-width" influence the resolved flex base size? (from default "flex-basis:auto;width:auto")

> Hmm, you are right, it is 'hypothetical main size' that is constrained by max
> size, but flex is applied to 'flex base size'. It's been a while since I've looked at
> that.
> The last line in 9.2.3 that says...
>  The hypothetical main size is the item’s flex base size
>  clamped according to its min and max main size properties.
> ... seems to imply that 'flex base size' is not clamped to min/max. Otherwise
> it would be identical to 'hypothetical main size', wouldn't it? Perhaps it should
> have a note similar to what it had earlier, something like "Do not apply
> min/max-width/height constraints to flex base size. Doing so before
> resolving flex lengths can make content size unavailable to the algorithm and
> produce inferior results."

Dangit, that sounds so much better than the note I suggested!!

Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 03:59:17 UTC