Re: [css-tables] Missing definition of table row borders if border-collapse: separate?

Here's my suggestion in answer to your question:

Please refer to my animated preview images here:

Table rows, table columns and table column groups should be able to be 
styled fully, like inline-block elements, including margins, border and 

A border spanning a table row or column is supposed to be continuous 
throughout the row/column element.

Usually, a table cell's properties would override a table row's/column's 
property. To have the table row/column excel the table cell definition, a 
new table cell property should be introduced:

table-cell-priority: <table-cell-priority-type>

having    <table-cell-priority-type> = low | default
and         default value: default

Axel Dahmen

One might say that it's somewhat weird that asking for separate borders
makes them "disappear" on table rows. Then again, even in the collapsed
borders model, the final borders are really associated with cells anyway
(and never with rows), even if you specify them on rows, columns or what

But if we decide to allow borders on rows, what should we do if we
e.g. have a cell with rowspan > 1? And what about border-spacing? Insert
gaps in the rows' borders?

<table style="border-spacing:20px;">
    <tr style="border:10px solid blue;">
        <td rowspan="2">content</td>
    <tr style="border:10px solid red;">

---- Morten Stenshorne, developer, Opera Software ASA ----
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Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 14:19:15 UTC