Re: [css-grid][css-align] Issues with align-content / justify-content properties


Could any of the Grid Layout authors provide additional feedback on this
thread, please ?  What's your opinion about <content-distribution>
values for Grid ?



On 11/11/2014 05:49 PM, fantasai wrote:
> On 11/11/2014 08:08 AM, Javier Fernandez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been playing with the <content-distribution> values in Grid Layout.
>> I've got some doubts regarding some implications of considering cells
>> instead of grid items to interpret the Box Alignment specification.
>> However, in the case of 'stretch' there are some issues I haven't solve
>> yet. According to the specification, the 'stretch' value is defined as
>> follows:
>> "If the combined size of the items is less than the size of the
>> alignment container, any auto-sized items have their size increased
>> equally so that the combined size exactly fills the alignment container,
>> and then clamped by their max-width/max-height constraints."
>> 1- There are many ways of defining track sizing [1]. Which one would
>> be candidate to be such "auto-sized items" ? I'm assuming they would be
>> only 'auto' (which computes to minmax(min-content, max-content). Is that
>> assumption correct in your opinion ?
> I think that definition was written for properties that apply to
> actual items... Where there is one, 'stretch' is applied to the
> intermediary construct between the container and the items: the
> flex line in Flexbox, and the grid track in Grid Layout. In Flexbox,
> this wasn't an issue because lines don't have associated sizing
> information.
> In Grid Layout, I'm not sure what's the most sensible answer. My
> first guess is to ignore the sizing information and just stretch
> all of the tracks, but we should probably ping some authors and
> see what they would expect.
>> 2- When the grid is defined, user might choose track sizes to keep
>> some proportionality between all of them. Shouldn't the 'stretch' logic
>> increase the items size keeping such proportions ?
> It doesn't do that for Flexbox, so it shouldn't do that here, either.
>> 3- how would you interpret the 'max-width/max-height constraints' in
>> the case of track sizing ?
>> [1]
> See above for #1...
> ~fantasai

Received on Monday, 17 November 2014 16:22:40 UTC