Re: Forward compatibility and custom things


Le 17 mars 2014 à 01:07, Brian Kardell <> a écrit :
> I don't understand the question.  If you mean author specified things in general, I'll leave that to the proposals. 

by my question, I wanted to know if it was something along what François is saying (which I agree with).

Le 17 mars 2014 à 00:25, François REMY <> a écrit :
> Also:
> - “Don’t use vendor prefixes, ‘-webkit-xyz’ is bad”
> - “Please use custom things, ‘--abc-xyz’ is good.”
> Associating the two looks odd to me.

If it's that, as you imply in your reply, then I will be worried.
-vendor- were created with a very good intent but an unfortunate outcome for small players. I can see how it seems beneficial to move the power from browser vendors to script makers. I wish there was a good way of doing that. And maybe there is.

But it doesn't redistribute the power completely. Big script makers might ride the show as today a big browser vendor can impose by market share forces. Maybe that goes in in the good direction.

Thanks Brian for the answer. 

Karl Dubost 🐄

Received on Sunday, 16 March 2014 21:59:09 UTC