Re: [css-variables] ...let's change the syntax

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Brian Kardell <> wrote:
> I agree, a lot of things seem to be on the table in this thread, can we
> narrow down the choice set that is actually doable?

The set of things that can be changed are exactly the things in my
original message, no more.  There is no way we could agree on a change
to anything else in time for FF to ship unmolested, and I'm not
willing to slow them down.

> Is my suggestion of
> "--" everywhere for custom as opposed to "_" just as doable?

Yes, this is just another syntax possibility for custom property
names, which is exactly what I'm asking about.  Totally possible.


Received on Thursday, 13 March 2014 23:37:29 UTC