[css-position] sticky: Issue 1: Describe which element font-size-relative units are resolved against


  There is an issue raised in "CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3"
Draft here: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-position/#sticky-positioning

  It is written like "Describe which element font-size-relative units
are resolved against".

  When sticky positioned elements are not offset, they should be
layouted and displayed exactly the same way as normal flow positioned
elements. When sticky positioned element is offsetted, only position of
the element changes, but all other properties should stay the same.

  In this case sticky positioned elements are very similar to relative
positioned elements. Since the section describing relative positioned
elements doesn't have any special clarification about font-size-relative
units resolving, I think sticky positioned elements section also doesn't
need this. In both cases font-size-relative units resolved the same way
it is done for normal flow elements when sticky/relative positioning
offset is not taken into account.


Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 22:36:38 UTC