Re: [css-regions] Possible change to the Region interface

On 10/1/13 6:07 PM, "Boris Zbarsky" <bzbarsky@MIT.EDU> wrote:

>On 10/1/13 6:22 AM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
>> Simon Pieters:
>>>     You can make the return value sequence<(Region or Element or
>>>     PseudoElement)>
>> Elliott Sprehn wrote:
>>> That still requires multiple inheritance, what type do you represent
>>> that as in the C++?
>>> I'd rather we didn't have to implement some kind of abstract common
>>> class to PseudoElement and Element just for Regions.
>> I don't think it necessarily requires multiple inheritance.
>Indeed.  Gecko would represent the above as a vector of tagged unions on
>the c++ side.

Are you saying that Gecko has support for the above scenario without
multiple inheritance in the C++ layer? Would you mind pointing me to where
I should take a look and what are the interfaces involved?


Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 19:45:43 UTC