Re: [css-regions] Possible change to the Region interface

On 10/3/13 3:45 PM, Mihnea-Vlad Ovidenie wrote:
> Are you saying that Gecko has support for the above scenario without
> multiple inheritance in the C++ layer? Would you mind pointing me to where
> I should take a look and what are the interfaces involved?


Consider this WebIDL [1]:

   attribute (DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern) strokeStyle;

There's clearly no sane way to do this with multiple inheritance (esp. 
the DOMString bit!).

The C++ implementation of this is at 
which then lands you at 
which then does dispatch based on what the actual type in the union is. 
  The "StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern" struct is auto-generated 
from the IDL.

See also the (still somewhat bare-bones) documentation at


[1] From

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 21:22:06 UTC