Re: Proposal: will-animate property

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Benoit Girard <> wrote:
> The new property 'will-animate' should be treated as a hint only by the
> browser. This means that under certain conditions such as memory pressures
> the elements can be de-optimized.
> To ease optimizations, will-animate values other than 'auto' force the
> element to create a stacking context.
> Here's the syntax:
> will-animate: [auto | [transform, |  scroll, | opacity]+ ]
> In the future this proposal can be extended to cover more CSS properties.
> Similarly it can be extended to cover 'will-animate: none' to hint that an
> element will not animate.

Would it make sense to instead have:
will-animate: [auto | yes | no]

This would avoid the need to add more properties over time (e.g. filter
could also benefit from this hint) . Or are there practical reasons you
have in mind for differentiating between properties?

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2013 14:23:51 UTC