[css-images] element() image use cases


I had discussions with several developers and designers about the CSS image function element() [1]. I was asked why the WG did broadening the capabilities of element() so far. The element() function could promote bad practices rather than expressive functionalities. The concerns were not necessarily that functionalities should be limited but rather to be clear about consequences instead of adding extensive features because we can.

These are without doubt very subjective impressions. I would like to ask the members of this mailing list to send … (yes, I am absolutely serious here) … use cases.

It makes it a lot easier to justify if the functionality satisfies the expectations of the authors when we can do analyzes based on use cases. It may proof that the element() function is the right functionality. Sometimes analyzes can reveal that different, simpler functionalities are more sufficient.

Thank you very much for participating and every use case you can bring up. I think this helps understanding the expected potential of element() a lot. I would like to collect these use cases on a Wiki page for later reference.


[1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-images/#element-notation

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:20:41 UTC