- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 17:42:17 -0700
- To: "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>
Summary: - RESOLVED: publish LC of css3-fonts (next Thursday) - RESOLVED: split Exclusions and Shapes into separate modules - Republication of Multicol deferred until more issues can be resolved. - RESOLVED: publish new WD of CSS Filters - RESOLVED: @counter-style width descriptor renamed to pad (counter styles) - RESOLVED: decoration color is reflected in text-shadow - Discussed dbaron's issues wrt text-decoration positioning - RESOLVED: calc() can be used inside media queries - Discussed return value of getComputedStyle() for grid layout properties - Discussed an+b syntax redefinition in css3-syntax ====== Full minutes ====== Present: Glenn Adams Rossen Atanassov Shezan Baig (Bloomberg) David Baron Tantek Çelik John Daggett Justin Erenkrantz (Bloomberg) Elika Etemad Simon Fraser Sylvain Galineau Daniel Glazman Koji Ishii Dael Jackson John Jansen Brad Kemper Peter Linss Anton Prowse Matt Rakow Dirk Schulze Alan Stearns Leif Arne Storset Nick Van den Bleeken <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/15-css-irc Scribe: sgalineau CSS3 Fonts ---------- Topic: css3-fonts publication <glazou> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2013AprJun/0161.html jdaggett: I'd like to move to LC. I think we can resolve the italics issue at the f2f jdaggett: I'd rather discuss LC issues at the f2f a few weeks from now jdaggett: I responded to text-decoration issues; I am not sure whether Elika wants to resolve this first fantasai: I am ok to go to LC based on John Hudson's response fantasai: I think there is an interaction we need to resolve; LC is fine if the italics issue is noted jdaggett: it is noted fantasai: Would suggest waiting until next week to publish; still have to finish review comments, would be good to incorporate such minor fixes before publishing LC. RESOLVED: publish LC of css3-fonts (next Thursday) <stearns> +1 from me Exclusions and Shapes --------------------- Topic: Splitting Exclusions and Shapes <glazou> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2013AprJun/0171.html astearns: we discussed this a number of times in the past. they are separate features with separate use-cases; they should advance more quickly if they are not tied to each other Rossen: +1 glazou: +1 fantasai: no objection glenn: does this involve new editors? astearns: no change expected at the moment RESOLVED: split Exclusions and Shapes in separate modules astearns: I will come back next week and ask for WD publications for both CSS Regions WD -------------- <glazou> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2013AprJun/0177.html astearns: this is just a WD update; the current one is 9 months old glazou: I support this; there have been quite a few changes bradk: I did not like the move from @region to a pseudo-element bradk: I think this is a big change rossen: I would like another week to review this astearns: ok, let's do this next week. dbaron: would prefer 2 weeks glazou: action on everyone to review Syntax two weeks from now * fantasai notes that Gecko Layout team has a work week next week <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0232.html Multi-col --------- <glazou> http://www.w3.org/mid/20876.36468.730367.345119@gargle.gargle.HOWL glazou: should we go back to LC given the latest changes? fantasai: it would be good to review these changes in detail, specifically the painting order update; someone posted that it was wrong. rossen: I also have a couple of updates; one is the drawing order of rules resolved in Tucson rossen: also multicolumn columns creating their own BFC, which we discussed last week rossen: so going back to LC seems reasonable antonp: I think other issues need addressing; I support LC as well fantasai: we should try resolving these before publishing LC CSS Filters WD -------------- krit: I added feedback to the security section indicating there is pending work; I would like to publish a new WD glazou: do not forget to add a change section to your documents RESOLVED: publish new WD of CSS Filters Counter Styles -------------- fantasai: there was a discussion to rename the width descriptor to 'pad' fantasai: this is the only issue raised thus far; we would like to resolve this and move to LC <stearns> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0037.html <fantasai> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-counter-styles/#counter-style-width jdaggett: can we hold this one more week for additional review? fantasai: ok glazou: objections to the proposed renaming? RESOLVED: width descriptor renamed to pad (counter styles) Text Decoration --------------- fantasai: some of these might be better dealt with face-to-face <fantasai> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-text-decor-3/issues-lc-2013#issue-15 fantasai: we discussed this one last week and did not resolve it fantasai: I have no opinion glazou: what do browsers do? fantasai: they do not interop glazou: I do not have an opinion dbaron: I have a slight preference for repeating the color of the decoration in the shadow RESOLVED: decoration color is reflected in text-shadow jdaggett: I think we can defer the super/subscript discussion to next week or the f2f. jdaggett: I have no opinion on the other issues on the agenda <fantasai> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-text-decor-3/issues-lc-2013#issue-11 fantasai: issue 11 is about whether line position should be per-line or across lines <fantasai> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#lining-striking-props <fantasai> "In determining the position of and thickness of text decoration lines, user agents may consider the font sizes of and dominant baselines of descendants, but must use the same baseline and thickness on each line." fantasai: what does it mean 'on each line'? does it mean that the position is the same for all lines, or does one evaluate the position for each line individually? fantasai: I think the original intent was to deal with cases where the same line included subscript, superscript, large text etc and we wanted to avoid ransom-style underlining dbaron: I think the intent was also to avoid position and thickness to change between lines fantasai: if you want a constant position across lines, you ignore all descendants; or you consider them and account for them fantasai: if you do the latter then for each decorating box you need to layout all your lines to figure out the consistent position/ thickness which could be a perf concern fantasai: if there is a perf concern we could scope the averaging to each linebox fantasai: or we ignore descendants fantasai: but without considering the descendants strikethrough may break jdaggett, dbaron: varying underline/decorations between lines does not sound like a good idea for authors dbaron: I think considering descendants is a bad idea. it's not compatible with what browsers do today. dbaron: we should leave it as it is rossen: I am in favor of keeping this as it is fantasai: keeping the spec as it is? rossen, dbaron: keep the runtime behavior and update the spec fantasai: browsers do different things though fantasai: I have a test case where Opera appears to consider descendants... <fantasai> <p style="text-decoration: underline;"><big style="font-size: 64px">BIG TEXT</big> text <small style="font-size: 4px">small text</small> <Rossen> http://jsfiddle.net/4sC2T/ <glazou> or data:text/html,<p style="text-decoration: underline;"><big style="font-size: 64px">BIG TEXT</big> text <small style="font-size: 4px">small text</small> <fantasai> http://www.w3.org/mid/CAKA+Axm4o1r_LN0Q7v_XM8WQsMNEsdsES2r6K1Lp6rzH=vHC9A@mail.gmail.com fantasai: link above is the issue Aryeh raised fantasai: about strikethrough. we discussed this before, fantasai: and resolved on the text describing averaging rossen: our underline behavior follows Word's closely fantasai: does this mean you have multiple decoration positions across line? rossen: there is averaging in more recent versions glazou: should we defer to f2f? fantasai: yes fantasai: most of the other issues relate to this so let's move on <Rossen> use case to consider for the underline issue above http://jsfiddle.net/4sC2T/1/ Flexbox ------- <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Apr/0538.html fantasai: also better to push more flexbox issues to f2f; nothing easy calc() ------ <glazou> https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/issues/327 glazou: where is calc() allowed? glazou: in particular, whether it can be used in a MQ? glenn: wouldn't be easier to define where it can't be used? fantasai: we should think about all the places where it can be used and consider examples glazou: who will do this review? when? fantasai: we can talk about media queries now dbaron: media queries can't take percentages for width so this limits its value dbaron: but I do not object allowing calc with different units glazou: are there use-cases for this? do authors ask for it? fantasai: yes I think some people asked for it glazou: I never needed it when I used MQ; I can't think of a use-case... <stearns> @media screen and (min-width: calc(20em + 6px)) <stearns> from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2007Nov/0227.html glazou: objection to allow calc? RESOLVED: calc() can be used inside media queries Grid layout ----------- <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Aug/0309.html fantasai: we have prose about grid properties getComputedStyle; some of them return the used value <fantasai> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Aug/0309.html fantasai: so do we want to allow getComputedStyle() to return these used values, or should it return the computed value? dbaron: isn't there work around CSSOM in this area? we should look at how this interacts fantasai: how does that change our decision? glenn: the CSSOM uses the term resolved values for getComputedStyle(); in some cases you will get used value, in others computed value e.g. left, top, bottom return used values dbaron: I'm fine with the proposed resolution of returning computed values <glenn> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/csswg/raw-file/tip/cssom/Overview.html#resolved-values <glenn> e.g., getComputedStyle().lineHeight always returns used value fantasai: essentially getComputedStyle() returns used value in some cases for legacy reasons; the issue is whether new grid properties could require used value or should be consistent and return computed values for all of them * fantasai has no opinion on these things, and hopes someone else figures out this issue rossen: how does this work for tooling? This is the reason we returned used values. rossen: currently some MSFT tools use this, for instance dbaron: I think we need to understand what your general strategy should be, especially in light of new APIs. But I agree we do not have a clear resolution for this specific issue glazou: so this remains an open issue <glenn> one resolution is to define resolved value line for each property <sgalineau> glenn, yes but what should it be in this case? <glenn> sgalineau: no opinion in this specific case an+b grammar ------------ fantasai: we should not be making changes from the grammar of selectors3 glazou: I think the current discussion is extending the set of allowed values fantasai: right, I want to know why it can't be the same as in 3? glazou: everyone should review this item for next week glazou: we need to discuss this before it goes in a WD glazou: anything else? glazou: please add things we deferred for the f2f to the wiki Meeting closed.
Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 00:42:54 UTC