- From: Simon Sapin <simon.sapin@exyr.org>
- Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 14:10:13 +0100
- To: robert@ocallahan.org
- CC: Håkon Wium Lie <howcome@opera.com>, Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@googlemail.com>, www-style@w3.org
Le 25/03/2013 04:15, Robert O'Callahan a écrit : > > Using abspos also creates some dependencies. In the code above, I'm > guessing that the page number will fit in a box with a with of 4% > (100-88-8). For page numbers, that's a reasonable guess. For other > types of content, using abspos may cause overflow/overlap. > > > CSS3 Paged Media solves this by introducing what is really a new layout > model just for margin boxes. That is not simple. We propose to render > actual elements in the margin boxes, so one could use flexbox to > position the page number and chapter title instead of the pseudo-flexbox > features in CSS3 Paged Media. > > I'm not against adding abspos margin boxes for marginalia. However, > I've used the current css3-page model to publish real-world books [3] > and I find it simple & powerful -- not over-complicated & inadequate. > > > It's simple and powerful from the point of view of authors who want to > do exactly what the feature was designed to do. Since you designed the > feature, I'm not surprised it's a good fit for your needs :-). But 16 > new pseudo-elements and a lot of spec text defining positioning and > sizing for the margin-box layout model is not simple for implementors, > or people trying to write tests for the feature, or authors trying to > understand the behavior they're getting, or authors trying to understand > how to get the behavior they want. And it will get more complex if/when > we add features for the use-cases Julian introduced at the start of this > thread. I think there are two separate issues: 1. What you can put inside page-margin boxes. css3-page only gives the 'content' property, where each component creates an anonymous box that can not be styled individually. I expect css4-page to provide a way to flow elements into page-margin boxes. With that, page-margin boxes could contain eg. flexboxes. 2. The layout of paged-margin boxes themselves. The "fixed dimension" part is relatively simple (similar to inline dimension of block boxes), but I agree that the variable dimension is more complicated than it should be. The previous algorithm was even more horrible to implement (look at the 2006 WD if you’re curious) but I tried to make it better. I’m open to changing it again, possibly using the flexbox algorithm. This a big sub-issue, so I started a new thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Mar/0557.html Based on what Daniel said, I don’t expect his proposals for css4-page to have anything about 2. -- Simon Sapin
Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 13:10:50 UTC