Re: [css3-page] printing, is it a business of CSS at all?

Also sprach Andrew Fedoniouk:

 > If you need to print some document (the "printable") then in principle you
 > just need two documents: so called page template document and
 > the printable itself.
 > Page template is a normal HTML document that may look
 > for example as this:
 > <html>
 > <style>...<style>
 > <body>
 >   <p #header>Header....</text>
 >   <section #content-box />
 >   <p #footer>Page <span #page-no /></text>
 > </body>
 > </html>

This will give you a simple document with a header and a footer. For
the average printout, this may be sufficient.

But, you rely on scripting to fill the #-marked elements. Personally,
I prefer a CSS-based solution -- I think this is simpler for authors.

Further, once you start looking into the rich printing tradition upon
which our civilization is built, there are many requirements. For
example, headers will often borrow content from the page they are at.
Consider this example:

Notice that the four headers are based on the entries of the
encyclopedia. What would your script look like?

css3-page + css3-gcpm try to encode the most common presentations for
printed books. Hundreds of books are produced using the functionality
described there.

If we don't learn how to produce books from web content, there will
soon be no books.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 09:17:52 UTC