RE: [css4-background] use cases for 'border-corner-shape'?

Very nice. Is there a description what you are actually doing for this
to work?
If the borders and corners are scaled as SVG and then stitched
together, that would be great. From: L. David Baron
Sent: ‎3/‎24/‎2013 10:36 PM
To: Rik Cabanier
Subject: Re: [css4-background] use cases for 'border-corner-shape'?
On Sunday 2013-03-24 14:02 -0700, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> Scaling images might introduce jaggies, which will be especially
> noticeable if width and height have different scales.
> This seems a case where scaleable vector art is needed.

'border-image' can be used with SVG images.  (There may be some
implementation bugs; on the Gecko side we've fixed some recently
enough that they're probably not past the nightly channel yet.  But
new features at the spec level aren't required.)


𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 08:50:36 UTC