Re: The :min-width/:max-width pseudo-classes

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Elliott Sprehn <> wrote:
> Ah, I did miss that. Still, there's the reference combinator or the subject
> selector.
> !.foo .viewport .list:max-width(...) { display: table; }
> This means in the middle of layout we need to tear down your ancestor and
> start over. This would let you construct an infinite loop as well.
> Or we can just express my earlier example as:
> !.foo + .viewport .list:max-width(...) { display: table; }

Yup, you're right.  In that case, we would want an explicit scoping to
occur.  This needs more baking.


Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 20:39:14 UTC