RE: The :min-width/:max-width pseudo-classes

> !.foo .viewport .list:max-width(...)

I don't know how this selector is evaluated in browsers, but my understanding of it is 

   .foo:has(:this .viewport .list:max-width(...))

and it means that :max-width will match no ".list" element per rule 1 (:min-width only matches elements that are the nearest viewport or one of its ancestors)

> !.foo + .viewport .list:max-width(...) { display: table; } 

Again, if this is seen as

   .foo:has(:this + .viewport .list:max-width(...))

then no .list will ever match :max-width because none of them will be ancestror of the .foo element.

> (...reference selectors...)

In this case too, :min-width will only match if the referenced element is an already-computed element (the nearest viewport or one of its ancestors). So (a) should work and (b) should fail:

   <a id="outside" href="#inner"></a>
   <div id="outer">
      <div id="viewport">
          <a id="inner" href="#outer">...</a>


   div#outer:min-width(480px) a#inner { ... }
   !a /href/:min-width(480px) { ... }
   :min-width(480px) > a#inner { ... }


   a#outside /href/:min-width(0px)

Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 00:15:05 UTC