Re: [mediaqueries4] Media queries for multichannel audio ?

On Mar 20, 2013, at 10:10 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Mark Watson <<>> wrote:
On Mar 20, 2013, at 8:09 AM, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen wrote:
WebKit has devicePixelRatio so you can device the device size by using

This tells me the ratio between CSS pixels and device pixels, but this is still meaningless for TVs, since there is no definition of CSS pixels for TVs (a bit of a problem generally for web browsers on TVs, but nevertheless…).

What I need is just the device width and height in device pixels, to know when it is not worth delivering a high resolution version of the content. It's not such a big deal with HD, since there are a dwindling number of SD displays, but with 4K this will be an issue.

You don't want that.  What you want instead is some way to declare the
resolution on the <source> element, so (1) the browser can
intelligently choose which source to download, based on what it knows
about the display, the user's internet connection, and possibly other
things, and (2)  the browser can offer both options to the user, a la
YouTube's resolution selection.

I'm interested in implementing the resource selection algorithm in Javascript for the case where I am using the Media Source Extensions, not the <source> element. See



Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 17:19:41 UTC