Re: [css-selectors] Proposal: Logical Combinators / Sets

Boolean Algebra certainly. But wouldn't syntax make that easier?

On 3/13/13 12:01 PM, "Henrik Andersson" <> wrote:

>François REMY skriver:
>> If I'm not mistaken, here is the kind of selectors Brian's proposal is
>>aimed to :
>>     :not(#a) {
>>         selects all elements that are not #a
>>     }
>>     :and(#a *, #b *) {
>>         selects all elements that have both a #a and a #b parent
>>     }
>>     :or(#a, #b) {
>>         selects all elements that are either #a or #b
>>     }
>> The other proposals (like anyOf, oneOf...) can be emulated using those
>>three. Currently, we already have ':not()' (but I think it's somewhat
>>limited to simple selectors) and it's already possible to emulate
>>':or()' using commas. So "a :or(b,c) d" == "a b d, a c d". So what's
>>really missing is the ':and' operator.
>> (Brian if I'm wrong please correct me)
>Boolean algebra says that you can fake and using or. !(!X || !Y) == X &&
>Y It works in the other direction too. !(!X && !Y) == X || Y

Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 19:09:41 UTC