[css-ui] “::resizer” proposal and clarification of the “cursor”value

Spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-ui/#resize

1. Should the spec clearly define how the cursor is displayed in each
“resize” value? For example,

  1) When it's “resize:both”, the cursor should be displayed as the
image of “cursor:nwse-resize”.
  2) When it's “resize:horizontal”, the cursor should be displayed as
the image of “cursor:ew-resize”.
  3) When it's “resize:vertical”, the cursor should be displayed as the
image of “cursor:ns-resize”.
  4) When it's “resize:none”, the cursor should be displayed as the
image of “cursor:auto/default”.

Currently browsers implement this differently. In webkit, none of
“resize”'s value changes the cursor. In Firefox, “resize:both”would give
“cursor:nwse-resize”. Demo[1]:

      <textarea style="resize: both;">resize: both</textarea>
      <textarea style="resize: horizontal;">resize: horizontal</textarea>
      <textarea style="resize: vertical;">resize: vertical</textarea>

Different browsers have different “cursor” as shown in these pictures:

   1. Opera:http://img02.taobaocdn.com/tps/i2/T16sXuFbBdXXaK2tf.-173-156.gif
   2. Webkit:
   3. Firefox:

2. Should we add a new pseudo-element “::resizer” for controlling the
appearance of the dragging handle. Such as

   1) background/background image (different browsers use different
backgrounds now)
   2) position
   3) size

WebKit has implemented “::-webkit-resizer”, but it can only control the
brackgrond. I'd like to see this pseduo-element support all the features
“::before”/“::after”have. With this pseudo-element we can easily
implement effects like [2] (animated).

A real example: [3]

This is a decorated application of the “resize” property (to be viewd in
Chrome). [4]


Simplified chinese version:


Received on Thursday, 27 June 2013 16:42:31 UTC