Re: [css-masking] 'mask: none' clear all masking operations

On Jun 26, 2013, at 10:56 AM, fantasai <> wrote:

> On 06/25/2013 06:07 PM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
>> On Jun 25, 2013, at 4:33 PM, fantasai <> wrote:
>>> On 06/25/2013 04:20 PM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
>>>> If fantasai is on the call tomorrow, I would like to discuss mask/mask-box-image
>>>> shorthand and if/how it is possible to reset all masking operations with mask: none.
>>> You make a shorthand tree like this:
>>>   mask
>>>    +-- mask-layers
>>>    |    +--mask-layer-image
>>>    |    +--mask-layer-position
>>>    |    +--mask-layer-repeat
>>>    |    etc.
>>>    +-- mask-box
>>>         +--mask-box-source
>>>         +--mask-box-slice
>>>         +--mask-box-repeat
>>>         etc.
>> Right, I did not meant to question that it is possible. If we
>> follow this proposal, I would suggest:
>> - 'mask' shorthand can just reference an SVG Mask or disable
>>   masking entirely. 'mask-layer' and 'mask-box' can just
>>  reference CSS Images. This would solve the SVG resource or
>>  CSS Image detection problem in a different way for masking.
> Well, it's fairly uncommon to have a CSS shorthand that has
> capabilities not expressed via its longhands. (We only have
> one example I know of, the UI font keywords, and we're not
> especially happy with those IIRC.)

That seems to be the case for border. Authors can not set border-image with border, but border still affects border-image. I suggested doing the same.

> It would be better if the SVG mask was handled either in 'mask-layers'
> or as a 'mask-element' subproperty of 'mask' or something.

This would introduce another property but still lead to the same problem and solution as if SVG mask and CSS mask were combined. We discussed that in a different context before. So if mask could set SVG and CSS Mask, then it would do exactly the same as mask-layer. Quite confusing as well.

>> However, an uber-shorthand also has some drawbacks. It will
>> be significant more difficult to understand how masking works.
>> The author needs to know that 'mask' is a shorthand, which can
>> not do everything that the longhand properties can do. (To be
>> honest, I never thought about border as a shorthand for other
>> shorthands but with limited control before you mentioned it.)
>> The implementation and maintenance cost might increase as well.
> This is actually a reasonably common pattern in CSS shorthands.

It is fairly uncommon to have a shorthand for shorthands. border is the only one I know (not saying that there might be more).


> ~fantasai

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2013 18:38:32 UTC