RE: [cssom] Identifying types and shorthand and unsupported properties

>>± It's already happened in IE for many, many years. Unknown properties are
>>± added to the style object as an expando. So if you have:
>>± #something {
>>± foo: bar;
>>± }
>>± …then document.getElementById('something') returns "bar".
>>I'm not 100% sure about that one. I know for sure that if you do <el
>>style="foo: bar"> in IE, that works, and also that you can access the
>>value at the CSSDeclaration level if it's in a stylesheet, but I don’t
>>think the cascade enter in action at any point for those expandos. We may
>>want to double-check that.
> This example certainly works. The feature is definitely super simple and
> for polyfilling it does the job.

Okay, got it. You probably meant "currentStyle" for which you indeed get "bar".

<!doctype html>
   #something {
    foo: bar;
  <div id="something"></div>



in IE10

>>It could be possible to instruct the browser to keep some properties even
>>if he does not understand them, as an opt-in:
>> @polyfill background-3d-distance {
>> cascade: true;
>> inherit: false;
>> initial: 0px
>> }
>>That would however only work at a style-sheet level (if you have multiple
>>stylesheets, you need to specify this in each one of them, before any
> Well, if this rule can be at the end of all your stylesheets then you'd
> better keep all the properties if you don't want to reparse...

Okay, let's add some @coffee at-rule at the end of the reply and let Sylvain reparse the mail :-)

hint: "at the stylesheet level" ... "before any declaration" 		 	   		  

Received on Sunday, 14 July 2013 05:42:15 UTC