Re: [css-shapes] Using the rendered element as image source

On 7/11/13 1:32 PM, "François REMY" <> wrote:
>>>PS2: Shouldn't "shape-margin" and "shape-image-threshould" be correctly
>>>namespaced as "shape-outside-margin" and
>> The margin only applies to shape-outside, so there's no need for
>> inside/outside duplication. The image-threshold might need to be split,
>> there are use cases for an element having both a shape-inside and a
>> shape-outside, and wanting to use different thresholds for each. My
>> thought is that it is much more likely that a single threshold would be
>> used with different shape-margin and shape-padding.
>It's not only a question of disambiguation but a way to define proper
>shorthands like: 'shape-outside: image 0.5;' instead of using two
>declarations. This also mean a 'shape-outside' declaration would reset
>all options, similarly to how 'background: url(...)' also resets
>'background-size' as opposed to 'background-image' (aka align with css

I had not considered making shape-outside a shorthand. I'm not sure it's
worth the naming gyrations that would be necessary - wouldn't there need
to be a longhand for what shape-outside sets now? Would we need to call it
shape-outside-shape? I prefer the shorter shape-margin than the longer
shape-outside-margin, and I wouldn't be comfortable making changes to
accommodate a possible shorthand that until now no one's asked for.



Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 00:36:10 UTC