RE: [css-writing-modes][naming] Inheritance of text-combine

> > I think it would be simpler to have 'text-combine-horizontal' not
> > inherit. I don't think 'digits' needs to inherit unless there's a very
> > clear use case where this is needed.
> We generally try to avoid having unstyled elements change behavior, and this is a behavior
> that makes sense to inherit. For example, making the day, month, and year into links would
> disable digits TCY applied to <date> in this snippet:
>    <date>2012年7月9日</date>
> which seems unnecessary and surprising.
> But I'm OK with this temporarily, I think, if we have to. It's better than making 'all' inherit,
> from an implementability standpoint.
> However, at some point we may want to make auto-composition inherit, since IMO that's
> really the right behavior for this kind of thing.

Could you explain a bit more about how "not inherit" makes things simpler? I would like to understand its value.

I know it's still before LC, but we've shipped non-inherit version one year ago, then an author reported that one real content:
  <span style="text-combine-horizontal:all"><span>12</span></span>
doesn't work, and we found our implementation wasn't following the spec change, so we fixed our build to inherit.

So changing it back to non-inerhit will break at least one commercial content, at maximum...I don't know.

Is it more valuable to change than the risk of breaking existing content?


Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 12:17:22 UTC