Re: [css3-syntax] Normalize some tokens to lower-case

Le 24/01/2013 19:39, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Simon Sapin<>  wrote:
>> Apparently at-keywords, function names and dimension units are normalized to
>> lower-case in CSSOM serialization. Should that normalization happen as early
>> as in the tokenizer?
>> Until tokens or "primitives" are exposed in some API this might only be an
>> implementation concern and irrelevant to the spec. I’m not sure.
> Yeah, I'm not sure either.  I've added an issue to the spec to keep it
> in mind, though.
> My thought is that we shouldn't worry about it in the parser, though.
> While some tokens are*definitely*  always language-defined, others are
> only language-defined in certain contexts (idents), and I think it
> would be weird to expose a token stream that was only partially
> lowercased.
> And even my assertion that some tokens are definitely always
> language-defined is incorrect, as the value of a custom property is
> completely author-defined, and may never be used in an actual CSS
> value.  An author could, for example, put SVG path data into a custom
> property, for consumption by a script that uses it to do something to
> the element, and casing is important there.  So really,*every*  token
> is potentially context-sensitively case-sensitive.

Ok. Both reasons sound good enough to not do this.

Simon Sapin

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 19:37:22 UTC