Re: [css-break] breaking inside padding

On 12/13/13, 12:38 AM, "François REMY" <>

>I think we should have two modes for [css3-break]:
>- fragmentainer-overflow: avoid // default on almost everything
>- fragmentainer-overflow: none // default on printed @pages
>When "fragmentainer-overflow: none" is set, it is simply forbidden for an
>element to overflow its fragmentainer. In case the first breaking point
>available would result in an overflow of the content out of the
>fragmentainer, the "bitmap-based" algorithm we currently see in browsers
>except FireFox would apply.
>It seems clear to me that, when printing, the desire is to avoid printing
>off-page which is why browsers fragment according to this pixel-line

I agree that it would be good to have a switch for this behavior, and have
been arguing for something like this to use in scrollable views that can
handle overflow better than printed pages. But I’m happy just defining the
print-based behavior for this level of the fragmentation module and
deciding whether to add a switch like this later.



Received on Monday, 16 December 2013 21:21:53 UTC