Re: [css-color] . 12-Bit deep color support.

Summary of this message:
-          Maintain the #FF FF FF notation 
-          Additional xRBG notation, covering numbers till 1023, for simple
10/12-Bit  support
-          Handle the 10 to 8 Bit fallback, with rounding down to the next 8
Bit value
I see that the ability to specify an exact color for deep color spaces won't
be so important,
because the human eye can just distinguish between 255-500 different shades,

so deep color would matter most in transitions and in images (maybe drawn on
the canvas element) ,
where the computer generates the shades in between, the web-develper just
specifies the borders.
That`s why I actually don't see a need in changing the old notation #FF into
something like #FFF,
unlike I proposed beforehand, 
but there could be a need for an 
-          extended xRGB/xRGBA notation with numbers up to 1023 (covering
-          and the option to adress 12-Bit colors in the form of  1022.25 
-          with a maximum of almost exactly 1000, instead of 255 it is 
very easy to break down the percentage of saturation 100 -> 10% 
This format could then be used by the ambitious web developer to easily
adress the exact colors.
Using the recent rgb notation covering 10 Bit works well (254.25),
but covering 12 Bit will become quite an effort (254.0625).
The fallback from 10 Bit to 8 Bit,for simplicity, should always be rouding
down (IMO)
254.25 -> 254
254.75 -> 254

Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 23:57:39 UTC