Re: EPUB using CSS vendor prefixing incorrectly?

On 8/19/13 12:45 PM, "James Craig" <> wrote:

>IDPF appears to be specifying a EPUB-specific technology subset prefix
>using the syntax for the CSS vendor prefix. This strikes me as both
>problematic (precludes vendor prefixing with this) as well as unnecessary
>(why not just use the unprefixed properties), but perhaps I'm
>misunderstanding something.
> • -epub-speak
> • -epub-speak-as
> • -epub-text-align-last
> • -epub-text-emphasis
> • -epub-text-emphasis-color
> • -epub-text-emphasis-style
> • -epub-word-break


>Could someone please explain whether this is a valid use of the vendor
>prefix pattern? If it's not, the CSS WG chair should probably reach out
>to the IDPF and EPUB groups. If this *is* a valid use CSS vendor
>prefixes, are there any known implementations?

My understanding is that this is in fact necessary because EPUB releases
may depend on specific CSS *drafts*; thus until EPUB version N depends on
a REC for a given feature it uses -epub-.

Received on Monday, 19 August 2013 23:04:51 UTC