Re: CSS properties for snapping during scrolling

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 6:36 PM, François REMY <> wrote:

>         - Cons:
> I'm not sure how well this would work in the case of a css grid where some
> elements span multiple columns.
> It cannot possibly work when you're using transforms as part of your
> layout process.
> It assumes the layout is not using something like subgrids (ie: wrappers
> divided into sub items that make sense on their own and on which you may
> perfectly want to stop.

I don't understand what you're saying here.

A different but interesting approach would be a "scroll-snap " property
> that would be formatted like a padding (except it would accept the value
> 'none' and have it has a default) and would define lines on the parent
> element relatively to the border box of the element.
> <div scrollable>
>         <div group>
>                 <header>Group 1</header>
>                 <div item />
>                 ...
>         </div>
>         ...
>         <div group>
>                 <header>Group N</header>
>                 <div item />
>                 ...
>         </div>
> </div>
> Where both groups and items would have "scroll-snap-top: 0px" property, so
> you can stop at the beginning of a group, or at the beginning of an element
> inside a group.

> Another example, you could use "scroll-snap: none 5px" to allow to scroll
> either 5px before or 5px after any element horizontally, but the element do
> not affect vertical scrolling.

Have you got concrete use-cases where snapping to the margin or border
edges of an element would not work?

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waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w  *

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:13:53 UTC