RE: [css-variables] Custom properties using the 'var' prefix? (Issue 1, !important)

[Tab Atkins Jr.:]
> That's quite unrelated, though.  The x- prefix is being phased out by the
> IETF because it was used like a vendor prefix, except for all vendors,
> which means that it got stuck on the web even more often than -webkit-.
> The proposed use of x- as the variables prefix is much closer to the use
> in Web Components, as Francois points out, where it's just a way to land-
> grab some cheap syntax space that we can reasonably promise we won't need
> to use in the future.
Precisely: it is unrelated hence the importance of not using a convention 
that is already familiar to many as a vendor extension mechanism. In other
words, the main argument given for using x- at the time it was proposed was
that it looked like the IETF's X-. Given that this use-case is unrelated and
the IETF is phasing out X- I find the risk of confusion wholly unnecessary.
It's not like there is a shortage of other options.

Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 21:01:35 UTC