Re: [css-variables] Custom properties using the 'var' prefix? (Issue 1, !important)

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:
> [François REMY:]
>> If you correctly remember, I was proposing the 'x' prefix beforehand but
>>Sylvain said he didn't like it, which is why I did all this research in
>>first place. If we can agree on the 'x' prefix, I would not mind at all.
> That someone does not like something is irrelevant; why they don't is all
> that matters. In this case, the x- prefixed was modeled after the IETF's
> X- prefix which the IETF is phasing out. I don't think we should use
> patterns others are getting rid of for good reasons, so I objected.

That's quite unrelated, though.  The x- prefix is being phased out by
the IETF because it was used like a vendor prefix, except for all
vendors, which means that it got stuck on the web even more often than
-webkit-.  The proposed use of x- as the variables prefix is much
closer to the use in Web Components, as Francois points out, where
it's just a way to land-grab some cheap syntax space that we can
reasonably promise we won't need to use in the future.


Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 16:33:52 UTC