[css-device-adapt] Units

The CSS Device Adaptation specs says:

@viewport {
  width: 980px;
  min-zoom: 0.25;
  max-zoom: 5;

Note that these values might not fit well with all UAs. For instance,
with a min-zoom of 0.25 you will be able to fit the whole width of the
document inside the window for widths up to 1280px on a 320px wide
device like the iPhone, but only 960px if you have 240px display.

The iPhone >= 4, has a device dpi of 320, but a CSS DPI of 192, so
shouldn't that be made a bit more clear here. Also at zoom 1.0 the
iPhone has a width of 160px (CSS unit) due to resolution being 2dppx,
so at scale 0.25, it can fit a document of width 640px and not 1280px.


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