Re: [css3-transforms][css4-background] Should the spec have {background,transform,perspective}-origin-x/y

>> On the other hand, the -x and -y properties do not add anything that
>cannot be achieved through variables AND cause problems with logical
>directions. If something is unnecessary and problematic, why have it?
>They are used for animations and transitions already. I would actually
>say that they are very logical. For instance when you want to move the
>origin just in one dimension. It seems a lot more logical to just set
>and animate a -x/-y property if that is all you want. Specifying them
>does not hurt anyone IMO.

If they were simply a non strictly necessary convenience, I wouldn't be opposed to them. I actually supported background-position-x/-y initially for this reason. But then I realised that while convenient, it was also incompatible with extending the property/shorthand to be able to take logical coordinates (from head/start rather than top/left).

It is that incompatibility that cause me to oppose the -x and -y properties. The ability to use variables instead isn't the reason I object to them, just the reason I won't miss them much.


Received on Friday, 12 October 2012 19:12:02 UTC