Re: [css-regions] Handling circular dependencies between flows

On 10/11/12 5:08 AM, "Mihnea-Vlad Ovidenie" <> wrote:

>Hi Alan,
>On 10/11/12 12:36 AM, "Alan Stearns" <> wrote:
>>On 10/10/12 8:59 AM, "Alan Stearns" <> wrote:
>>>I would like to solve the basic circular reference problem by deciding
>>>that these circular references do not create regions. So I'd change this
>>>Likewise, if the block container is part
>>>of the flow with name <ident>, then
>>>the block container does not format
>>>any content visually.
>>>to this (and move it up in the definition to precede the text that
>>>describes how regions are created)
>>>If the block container is part
>>>of the flow with name <ident>,
>>>then the block container does
>>>not become a CSS Region.
>>This wording solves the case where a named flow contains a region for
>>itself, but does not generally solve more complex circular dependencies
>>that can arise. Following the advice on this morning's call, I am
>>some text from css4-images [1] and will replace the current sentence
>>with a section that reads:
>>Named flows containing elements with the flow-from property set can
>>produce nonsensical circular relationships, such as a named flow
>>containing regions in its own region chain. These relationships can be
>>easily and reliably detected and resolved, however, by keeping track of a
>>dependency graph and using common cycle-detection algorithms.
>>The dependency graph consists of edges such that:
>>- Every named flow depends on its elements with the flow-from property
>>- Every element in a named flow with the flow-from property set to an
>><ident> depends on the named flow with the <ident> name.
>>If the graph contains a cycle, any elements with the flow-from property
>>set to an <ident> participating in the cycle do not become CSS Regions.
>Considering the following example:
>    .flowA { flow-into: flowA; }
>    .regionFlowA { flow-from: flowA; }
>    .flowB { flow-into: flowB; }
>    .regionFlowB { flow-from: flowB; }
><div id="div1" class="flowA">
>    <div id="div2" class="regionFlowB"></div>
><div id="div3" class="flowB">
>    <div id="div4" class="regionFlowA"></div>
>Would create something like flowA -> div2 -> flowB -> div4 -> flowA and in
>this case, both div2 and div4 (having flow-from) do not become regions.
>Did I get it right?

That is correct. But if flowA (or flowB) had an element that was a region
for an additional flowC, that would not participate in this particular
cycle and would remain a region.



Received on Thursday, 11 October 2012 13:34:13 UTC