Re: [css3-lists] some comments

I think that Example 13 should not use lists at all, but should use other
techniques that work interoperably across browsers to get a visual display
that fully matches the spec in all browsers. Otherwise, a WebKit developer
can easily get the impression, when viewing the spec in a WebKit browsers,
that WebKit does what it is supposed to do for position:outside combined
with text-align:end or text-align:center which (if I understand the spec
correctly) it does not. Obviously, it is the text of the spec and various
test suites that should be used to draw such a conclusion, not the visual
display of an example in the spec, but developers are human and first
impressions are hard to change.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Aharon (Vladimir) Lanin
> <> wrote:
> > Simon Montagu and I went over and
> > noticed a couple of fairly minor problems:
> >
> > 1. Example 13 ("visual rendering of the effect that ‘marker-side’ can
> have
> > on a list") is rendered differently in Chrome and Firefox. (In Chrome,
> the
> > bullets are adjacent to the left or or right margin; in Firefox, they are
> > adjacent to the left or right side of the item text.) Since the example
> is
> > meant to show the rendering required by the spec, we think it should
> render
> > as intended by the spec without relying on the capabilities of the
> > displaying browser.
> This is only a difference in how browsers currently treat the
> interaction of markers and text-align.  It's irrelevant for the
> ability being demonstrated, which is that the bullets swap sides or
> don't.
> (That said, the centering is actually unintended - it's a side-effect
> of being inside a <table class='data'>.  I don't think I can get it to
> work "correctly", though, in a cross-browser way that doesn't cause
> distracting issues with marker placement.)
> > 2. Section 10 (Sample style sheet for HTML) currently says things like
> > padding-left and margin-right. These obviously only work for lists with
> > direction:ltr. These could be fixed by using :dir(ltr/rtl) pseudo-class
> > defined in Selectors level 4, except that Lists level 3 probably can't
> make
> > use of things in Selectors level 4. But at the very least a comment
> should
> > be added to the sample style sheet saying what is actually needed.
> I can add a note to this effect.
> ~TJ

Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 09:54:38 UTC