Re: Any plans to add a method for suppressing white space between inline-block elements?

(12/11/24 19:42), François REMY wrote:
> This issue is already logged in CSS Text (level 3) as Issue #3: "There
> have been requests for the ability to "discard" white space; the current
> definition has no facility for this".
> To make it more formal, let's propose something like this:
>    white-space: [ <old-values>? ||  <whitespace-trim>? ]
>    white-space-trim: auto | trim | trim-line | preserve;
>    white-space: trim;
>    white-space between at the beginning and at the end of text nodes is
> ignored (aka textnodes are trimmed before rendering); any whitespace
> sequence inside a text node is substituted into a single white space
> (0x20) or nothing.
>    white-space: pre trim-line;
>    white-space between at the beginning and at the end of text nodes is
> ignored up to (and including) the first line break; any whitespace
> sequence inside a text node is preserved as is.

How is this compared to css4-text's 'white-space-collapse'[1]? See also
the relevant discussion[2].

I think we should start to maintain a list of most requested features
and the links to relevant threads, as well as the current status. I
think that's probably:

1. parent selector
2. //-comment
3. this?


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Received on Saturday, 24 November 2012 11:57:11 UTC