Re: [css3-images] Comments on object sizing terminology

On 03/15/2012 06:01 AM, Øyvind Stenhaug wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2012 23:19:20 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:05 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
>>> Then, later in the same definition, it says:
>>> # If an object (such as an icon) has multiple sizes, then the
>>> # largest size is taken as its intrinsic size. If it has multiple
>>> # aspect ratios at that size, or has multiple aspect ratios and no
>>> # size, then the aspect ratio closest to the aspect ratio of the
>>> # default object size is used.
>>> It seems this assumes a definition of largest for sizes. Does it
>>> mean the size with the largest area, or the size with the largest
>>> width/height/(larger of width or height)/(smaller of width or
>>> height)? I'd guess it means area, but it's not clear, and it should
>>> be.
>> Hm, that text is definitely unclear; there's no intrinsic ordering of
>> "size". fantasai, you wrote that text originally; what did you mean
>> to say in that sentence?

I'm pretty sure I meant by area. So I've added that as a clarification.
Let me know if you think a different answer would be better.

> Additionally, what is the definition of how "close" one aspect ratio is to another?
> If it "largest size" really is intended to say largest area, then say
> the default object size is a square. Which size would be closer, 128x64
> or 64x128?

Added a bias towards landscape, which is arbitrary, but whatever.
Here's the updated text:

   | If an object (such as an icon) has multiple sizes, then the largest size
   | (by area) is taken as its intrinsic size. If it has multiple aspect ratios
   | at that size, or has multiple aspect ratios and no size, then the aspect
   | ratio closest to the aspect ratio of the default object size is used, as
   | determined by minimizing the area in a "contain" fit of the default object
   | size; between equivalently-mismatched images, the wider image is chosen.

Let me know if this is good. (Filed as Issue 45, btw.)


Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 09:10:28 UTC