Re: [css3-images] Comments on object sizing terminology

On 03/15/2012 12:29 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> #<p>An object may have no intrinsic dimensions (such as CSS
> gradients), only one intrinsic dimension (SVG images designed to scale
> may have only an aspect ratio), or all three intrinsic dimensions (all
> raster images, for example).<span class='note'>(Note: an object
> cannot have only two intrinsic dimensions, as any two automatically
> define the third.)</span></p>

Overall, I agree with the changes you took, but I disagree with this one.
I agree with adding a note that makes it more obvious that any two
intrinsic dimensions define the third -- and that solves dbaron's original
complaint. But you've lost all consideration of images with only a width
or only a height, and you've dropped the mention of embedded documents,
which is a useful example.


Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 08:12:30 UTC