Re: [css3-mediaqueries] tv and screen media types

On Thursday 2012-03-15 10:43 -0700, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
> > In this email
> >
> >
> > you indicated that you wanted to discuss the tv+screen issue further on a telcon. I wasn't able to find minutes where that was discussed.
> >
> > I also see agreement from Daniel Davis at Opera.
> >
> > It looks as if the proposal did not carry; the MQ editors draft
> >
> > says that screen and tv are mutually exclusive and the changes section does not list any changes made in response to this issue.
> >
> > Please confirm that you are satisfied with this outcome. (This is needed for a complete issues list so MQ can move to PR).
> I believe it was discussed at a telcon, but nothing substantive came from it.
> I'm satisfied with the current state of affairs for MQ3, but I'll be
> reraising it for MQ4 (which I believe we want to start working on in
> the near future).

I agree that's the right path forward for level 3.

In level 4 of media queries, I think we should deprecate the concept
of mutually exclusive media types, but go through the types and make
sure that we have media queries for the distinctions between them
that we care about (e.g., queries about types of inputs present like
keyboard, pointing device, or touch).


𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2012 18:11:17 UTC