- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:43:51 -0700
- To: "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>
Summary: - RESOLVED: placeholders have no impact on surrounding flex layout - RESOLVED: Abspos static position defined according to principles used in normal flow. Editor's to work out exact text. - RESOLVED: 'order' does not apply to abspos children of a flexbox, placeholders have all initial/inherited values for properties - RESOLVED: Fix issue 22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Jul/0476.html ====== Full minutes below ====== Present: César Acebal Glenn Adams Rossen Atanassov Bert Bos Arron Eicholz Elika Etemad Simon Fraser Daniel Glazman Peter Linss Edward O'Connor Anton Prowse Florian Rivoal Alan Stearns Steve Zilles Regrets: David Baron Ryan Betts Katie Ellison Sylvain Galineau Chris Lilley <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-css-irc Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Jul/0580.html Scribe: Florian Administrative -------------- <glazou> Extra Agenda item : sunday at TPAC <glazou> http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/sandiego-2012#participants <glazou> http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/sandiego-2012#agenda glazou: please register yourselves and add agenda items on the wiki glazou: also, what about sunday on tpac stevez: w3c can't pay for sunday, budget is 2000 euros steveZ: Adobe is willing to pay for 1/4 SteveZ: who else? tab: I'll check, we may be able to contribute SteveZ: maybe microsoft could join too? arronei: I'll talk to sylvain fantasai: I'll check florian: I'll check too Stevez: Apple? hober: I'll ask glazou: how about catering Bert: budget included coffee and lunch organizations will donate to W3C, W3C will reserve the room Flexbox ------- <TabAtkins> http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/flex-abspos-placeholders TabAtkins: what happens when a flex items gets absolutely positioned TabAtkins: current spec says we get a place holder, which interacts normally with the rest of flex elements TabAtkins: noticeable when using space between, etc TabAtkins: may we could do the same as tables TabAtkins: there are several options, check the wiki TabAtkins: the simple proposal is proposal A fantasai: implementers don't like proposal B fantasai: initial commenter didn't like C fantasai: because it impacts layout of the content of the flexbox fantasai: and that's normally not what placeholders do florian: There was someone mentioning [something about transforms]. TabAtkins: I'm for A TabAtkins: this is simplest TabAtkins: we have alternative proposals, but they're more complex, and there's no clear use case fantasai: A or E (variant of C) tab: E is too complex florian: didn't Morten propose a variant of B fantasai: that's D TabAtkins: also a bit complex, not obvious use cases SteveZ: what's important is that abspos items don't cause spacing differences tab: that's everything but C Scribe: fantasai fantasai: Morten responds that E is better than A or B fantasai: He doesn't like A because "it sounds like a bug report" fantasai: i.e. the author would expect the static position to be somewhat accurate fantasai: it might be more useful for vertical flexboxes rather than horizontal ones fantasai: you can abspos something to the side, and have the main content flow down, e.g. fantasai: Morten listed C > D/E > B > A szilles: This isn't an implementer issue szilles: The way I understand it is that the main-axis position may be useful to someone TabAtkins: That would be option C, because others are arbitrary discussion of other cases that are complicated, e.g. bidi szilles: Your (Tab) position is that coming up with something that handles the static position is complicated and hard to implement so why bother. TabAtkins: yes anton: I think there's an author expectation that static position works, simply because it always has until now anton: We have to choose between two aims here. anton: Don't like placeholders to impact layout anton: but also want static position to work anton: they are both expectations that people have Rossen: I agree with Anton, and to me static position makes a lot of sense when you're talking about document layout and attaching things to the flow Rossen: But for app layout, static position is meaningless Rossen: not used anywhere Rossen: If you want something to stick to any particular position Rossen: Would most likely include it as part of the item itself, so would tag along with item Rossen: So don't see what we would bring to the users, to implement static position Rossen: For implementation, easier to do origin of the flexbox Rossen: Haven't seen any compelling use cases for it fantasai: In Mozilla's implementation, we have a list of flexbox children. Placeholders for abspos are interspersed in this list. They can't be on a separate list because otherwise if you relpos all non-abspos children, you won't know the right painting order. fantasai: When doing layout, we'd have to skip the placeholders as we walk the list, e.g. for justification, anyway. Whether the placeholder's final position is explicitly shifted to the top left corner, or left as-is is a minor thing. fantasai: So A and E would, I suspect, be equally difficult. TabAtkins: A is easiest from a spec perspective, even if it's not easiest by implementation florian: spec authors are last on the priority list anton: Nobody's said anything about any of them being impossible to implement Rossen: Even from our POV, implementing one vs other (A vs other) would have some better perf characteristics during content updates, but that's about it Rossen: computing either position is not a problem Rossen: Not very difficult to implement glazou: I'm with Anton, author expectation is quite important glazou: We are doing things in CSS these days that were quoted as "impossible" by browsers earlier glazou: complexity of implementation is an argument, but not the ultimate one glazou: Readability of spec and expectation of authors seems more important. <Bert> (With regions, grid templates, and flexboxes, the list of elements to justify may have little relation to the source tree. It's a list in some overlaid structure, a "shadow tree" (not necessarily even a tree).) TabAtkins: Unless we apply a bunch of properties to placeholders, in non-complex cases the static position will be completely arbitrary TabAtkins: Placeholder just goes to order of zero, then that will have no relation to order author intends there TabAtkins: people seem to be very reluctant to apply properties to placeholders Florian: Have we talked enough that we can straw poll? szilles: Would like to make one comment. szilles: If you pick D then the positioning of abspos under ordering is not completely arbitrary. szilles: gets glued to next flex item Anton: It's slightly arbitrary, but static position is always slightly arbitrary szilles: It's at least predictable glazou: Let's try doing a straw poll glazou: We have 5 options A-E fantasai: I think B, D, and E are different ways of expressing the same thing Straw Poll glazou: want A, then D, but going to abstain glenn: abstain plinss: abstain Florian: C or E szilles: D, then A hober: abstain anton: D, then A <Bert> Bert: A or D smfr: abstain césar: abstain fantasai: not C arron: abstain tab: A or C rossen: abstain * scribe missed a few abstentions there glazou: poll is not very conclusive szilles: All answers, except one or two Cs, were advocating no traceable effect of using abspos Rossen: I strongly support that RESOLVED: placeholders have no impact on surrounding flex layout fantasai: I think B, D, and E are roughly the same, they're trying to accomplish the same thing but expressed differently fantasai: only might be different in edge cases, which we could discuss fantasai: edge cases are fantasai: a) between flex items, glued to next or previous fantasai: b) if it's at a wrap point, does it wrap with the next, or wrap with the previous Anton: I would vote next in both cases TabAtkins: given both are completely scrambled up by order, it's completely arbitrary fantasai: this is after reordering fantasai: c) if no flex items, where does it go * TabAtkins notes that deciding on issue A lets us ignore all of these questions. Rossen: Should go exactly where the first flex item would have gone Rossen: If trying to keep as close as possible to flow layout Rossen: In flow layout, is it with the next or previous item? Does it stick to wrapping or not? Rossen: Use those rules <SteveZ> +1 for Rossen's reasoning Rivoal: I'm ok with that reasoning, and if everybody agrees, we can resolve on that and have the editors go off and spec that, whichever it is Rossen: Shouldn't something like this go in the positioning spec? Anton: In normal layout, says "position as if it were not floated and position was static" Rossen: Would hope that all static positions be put into css3-positioning TabAtkins: Would prefer not have this be undefined right now fantasai: I think we want to define it here Rossen's Principles are, do the same thing you'd do in normal flow layout Rossen: Either going with precise position, or origin Rossen: For grid, we take the origin of the current cell Rossen: In grid, you can have static auto position Rossen: but you can define grid column and grid row, which will put you in a particular grid cell Rossen: you get something better than origin of the grid Rossen: But it's still origin of the cell Rossen: Now if you have 5 items in that cell, we won't do anything better than 0 0 fantasai: items in the same cell stack on top of each other anyways * glazou wonders if he should thank you all for such a conference call right after my summer break :-D Florian: This gives me another argument against A. More likely to wind up with things on top of each other if you're not careful TabAtkins: That's the definition of abspos: things wind up on top of each other if you're not careful. Straw Poll A vs. Rossen's Principles glazou: A plinss: abstain glenn: abstain Florian: Rossen Alan: Rossen szilles: Rossen hober: abstain Anton: Rossen Bert: abstain smfr: abstain César: abstain fantasai: abstain Arron: Rossen Tab: A Rossen: Rossen Consensus on Rossen Florian: Can we let the editors now figure this out? RESOLVED: Abspos static position defined according to Rossen's principles above, editor's to work out exact text * krit won't be on he call any longer. Maybe transform discussion can continue on mailing list. Next issue http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox/issues-lc-2012#issue-17 fantasai: Question is, does 'order' affect the absolutely-positioned child, either wrt painting order or wrt static position Florian: If we went with A, I'd say no, but given we're not going with A, I think 'order' is useful. TabAtkins: The issue is, we literally do nothing for placeholders anywhere else TabAtkins: e.g. we don't honor 'float' or 'clear' when computing static positions No strong opinions szilles: I would go for not honoring it szilles: Best way to keep things consistent <TabAtkins> Note that *not* ordering it makes "Rossen's principles" much less coherent. Florian: I can go with that RESOLVED: 'order' does not apply to abspos children of a flexbox, placeholders have all initial/inherited values for properties http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox/issues-lc-2012#issue-22 fantasai: At TPAC resolved to change 'order' to <integer>, but Tab forgot to edit this in. TabAtkins: Question is do we reverse the resolution or edit it in szilles: When do two numbers equal each other? RESOLVED: Fix issue 22 fantasai: That's all the issues Editors to edit all the issues, post text for review, and decide on CR next week
Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 18:44:19 UTC