RE: [css3-grid-layout] Renaming implicitly named lines, reverse grid indices

± From: fantasai [] 
± Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 6:03 PM
± >
± >     before
± > start + end
± >     after
± The before/after pair isn't used in many places (just a few, 
± like caption-side), because so far it hasn't been necessary 
± (since only horizontal writing modes existed) and because a 
± number of places that need logical directions actually need 
± the over/under pair instead.
± But note that if we ever wind up with logical properties, 
± before/after will be nearly everywhere top/bottom is now. E.g.
± margin-before/margin-after, etc.
± ~fantasai

BTW, just in case I didn't make it clear earlier, even though I have proposed using before/after for flex-align, I would prefer to keep start/end in both directions of grid-align. Unless we manage to come up with generic align properties, there is nothing to gain by having a different value in one out of six properties of flexbox and grid.


Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 06:47:37 UTC