Re: [css3-grid-layout] Renaming implicitly named lines, reverse grid indices

On 02/14/2012 10:28 PM, Phil Cupp wrote:
> The reason the alignment values for rows and columns are all the same in the grid is because they do the same thing, and given that each track has only two edges it seemed unnecessary to use four names.
> Do you know how many places the pattern below occurs?
>     before
> start + end
>     after

The before/after pair isn't used in many places (just a few, like
caption-side), because so far it hasn't been necessary (since only
horizontal writing modes existed) and because a number of places
that need logical directions actually need the over/under pair

But note that if we ever wind up with logical properties,
before/after will be nearly everywhere top/bottom is now. E.g.
margin-before/margin-after, etc.


Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 02:03:52 UTC