[css3-flexbox] in multipage multiline vertical flexbox, what does 1st page 2nd column contain?

One more pagination question:

Suppose we have flex items A, B, C, D, E, F, G in a vertical multiline 
flexbox, with a specified-height that fits 4 items vertically. 
Un-paginated, it looks like this:

      A  E
      B  F
      C  G

Now, if we paginate this into pages tall enough for 2 items, which of 
the following should we expect?

(1)  A  C
      B  D
      E  G


(2)  A  E
      B  F
      C  G

In other words, should the first page's second column contain (1) C & D 
or (2) E & F?

I think (1) is correct, since that's what I'd expect with text and IIRC 
multiline flexbox is supposed to behave like text, roughly.  I thought 
it was worth clarifying, though, because I don't think the pagination 
spec-text makes the answer to this question clear yet.


Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 02:03:23 UTC