Re: [mediaqueries4] pointer: coarse and pannable, zoomable viewports

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Sylvain Galineau <>wrote:

> [Tab Atkins Jr.:]
> >
> > Compare this to today's world, where in the "best" case you decide
> whether
> > to do touch or mouse stuff based on a combination of user-agent and
> > device-size detection, and new devices generally get sorted semi-randomly
> > into one of the categories.
> Yes, they get sorted into a category but they remain in that category,
> right?
> Are there apps out there that will change their layout on me based on when
> they think I'm using one pointer or the other? Maybe I need to look at them
> to understand why anyone would want to risk that.
> >
> > With this, though it may not be able to give the best answer every time,
> > it most circumstances it can (as there's only a single interface method).
> Not sure what 'it' refers to here?
> > Maybe we can extend the feature to handle mixed-interface devices better?
> > I'm not sure how to, off the top of my head.
> All right, let's assume you can detect that. What CSS do you write when you
> know the UA has both fine and coarse pointers? More specifically, what CSS
> would you write that is different from that which you'd apply if it only
> had
> one of them?

Wouldn't it be enough to show that different kinds of sites / webapps might
want to optimise on different choices of fine and coarse when provided with
both input types?


Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 21:32:20 UTC