Re: Question on Text-Combine-Horizontal in the Writing Mode Module

On 04/24/2012 11:12 AM, Stephen Zilles wrote:
> Elika,
> In the description of the “all” value of “text-combine-horizontal” the following sentence occurs, “If the content contains any
> element boundaries this is treated as ‘text-combine-horizontal: none’ on the element and any descendants.” What does it mean
> to “contain any element boundaries”?
> In particular, what happens with
> vertical text<span style=”text-combine-horizontal: all”> H<sub>2</sub>O</span>more vertical text
> I would expect that the “H2O” (with the 2 being a subscript) would be set horizontally as three characters. Is this what
> happens? Or, is the <sub> element considered to be an element boundary?

That text contains two element boundaries, so, no, it wouldn't be set

We could of course change this, but my initial thoughts were to keep it
as simple as possible to implement. Allowing elements inside is not too
bad, but it brings up issues wrt vertical alignment and line height,
margins and borders, what do you do if it contains an inline block or
an image, how does all that interact with the auto-sizing behavior, etc.

Your particular use case, and most others, can be handled by using the
appropriate Unicode codepoint. And for anything more complicated,
there's display: inline-block; writing-mode: horizontal-tb;.


Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 21:36:38 UTC