Re: [css3-text] clarifying text-transform:capitalize

(12/04/21 10:56), fantasai wrote:
>> (a) that we're happy with the CSS3 Text definition here, as far as it
>> goes, in particular recognizing that it means certain word-initial
>> punctuation characters will be treated differently by ‘first-letter’
>> and ‘capitalize’; and

The corresponding prose to this question is

  # ‘capitalize’
  # Puts the first letter of each word in titlecase; other characters
  # are unaffected.


  # A letter for the purpose of this specification is a character
  # belonging to one of the Letter or Number general categories in
  # Unicode. [UAX44]

> I guess your question here is really
>   - Should the letter after an underscore, hyphen, or em-dash be
> capitalized?
> A key question is what happens to a hyphenated word, should
> "well-intended" become
> "Well-Intended" or "Well-intended"?
> Otherwise I'm leaning towards the IE9 behavior, too. :) Filed as

The description in the issue is indeed a better description of the problem:

"CSS3 Text suggests UAX29 for determining word boundaries for
'text-transform: capitalize'. This means a letter after a hyphen,
em-dash, or underscore is capitalized. Is this what we want?"

but given that the spec doesn't have normative requirements on UAs about
how to determine word boundaries:

  # The definition of "word" used for ‘capitalize’ is UA-dependent;
  # [UAX29] is suggested (but not required) for determining such word
  # boundaries.

it seems very unfair to Firefox (and partly to WebKit) because this
vagueness doesn't cover cases Jonathan brought up: "_css_", "-test-",
while it covers all Koji[1] and Xaxio[2]'s cases, which include
"the.the" and "dog/wolf" and some others.

Therefore, I believe the correct rephrasing of the question (which is
more of less related but not the same as fantasai's question) is:

  - Do we want to accidentally make Firefox and WebKit non-conforming in
this level by boring cases like "_css_" and "-test-"?

If no, the spec should change to something like

  | ‘capitalize’
  | Puts the first character of each word in titlecase; other characters
  | are unaffected.

. In fact, this saves IE9 too, for this particular test case: "'test'".

If we instead want get more interoperability on 'text-transform:
titlecase;' at this level, we should probably start by looking at
"dog/wolf", which seems more like a useful case. (full UAX#29 seems too
infeasible at this level.)



Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 21:33:18 UTC