Re: [css-selectors] :contains()

> > I heard that (from [1], for what it's worth) the subject marker is
> > going to be removed soon for performance reasons, so ... we
> > probably shouldn't assume that this still exists.
> >
>  I assume part of the functionality will arrive in another form then,
>  because it is one of the most requested features. The generic subject
>  selector might be overkill, but something similar for just children
>  and descendants would be more feasible.
So the same person refusing to implement :contains() with the argument 
of performance issues also keeps the subject selector from being 
implemented for the same reason.
Are there already measurements, which verify these concerns? From an 
outsider view I see IDEs like Eclipse searching text in hundreds of 
files within a second. So can somebody explain me what's the problem to 
search for text in some text passages?
Of course a '*:contains("long text to check so that this selector 
matches")' selector will generally perform worse than a 
'#element:contains("a")' selector. But isn't that something, which 
should in most cases be done within milliseconds?

Also I assume defining the subject of a selector doesn't cost any 
additional performance because it's just marking, which element(s) 
inside the selector should be styled.
So having 'OL! > LI:only-child' (as from the spec) would first find all 
<li>s, which are the only child of a <ol> and mark the <ol> for styling 
at the same time.

>  If a subject selector is not introduced and :contains is implemented,
>  then I wil predict seeing :contains abused to simulate the feature,
>  anyway the problems with dynamic restyling are very similar for the
>  two features.
Well, if it's just matching direct text node children, it can't be 
abused that way.

>  In any case I would argue for :contains matching only direct
>  text-nodes, because it avoids the problems with deeper dependencies,
>  issues that it would share with any generic subject-selector
>  solution.
Anyway, before not implementing any solution for matching node text 
contents, I'd also vote for implementing :contains() to match only 
direct children.
But of course in combination with some kind of parent selector it would 
be much more powerful.


Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 22:10:20 UTC