Re: [css3-regions] auto widths and heights of regions

Alan Stearns wrote:

 > There is a new section [1] in the CSS Regions specification that describes
 > in much more detail how content from named flows is laid out in region
 > chains. This section contains improved handling of auto height and auto
 > width of regions. It introduces the notion of a 'flow fragment height'
 > that resolves the height of the named flow fragment that fits into a
 > region, and a 'region flow content box' whose used height and width
 > contribute to the sizing of regions.
 > We have included a step-by-step example using three 'height:auto' regions
 > of different widths, and have been validating our approach in a WebKit
 > branch. This section is now ready for wider review, and we'd appreciate
 > any and all comments on the algorithm.
 > [1]

Having a description of auto-sizing seems useful. However, the number
one concern that I and others have expressed over regions does not seem
to be addressed: auto-generation of elements. That is, the regions
spec still seems dependent on having tags in the markup or generating
elements through scripting. Until this concern is addressed, I don't see
much point in reviewing other parts of the regions spec.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2012 15:59:56 UTC