Re: [css3-values] 1/100 factor on vh/vw/vm units

Hi David,

--Original Message--:
>A recent discussion that probably should have been on the public
>included discussion of the 'vh', 'vw', and 'vm' (perhaps soon to be
>rename to 'vmin' or removed) units.  It included examples in which
>working group members did not notice that their examples were off by
>a factor of 100 (using 0.5vh when 50vh was intended).
>So I'd like to raise the general point:  css3-values defines a 'vh'
>as 1/100 of the viewport height, and a 'vw' as 1/100 of the viewport
>width, and 'vm' as the smaller of 'vh' or 'vw'.  I think this factor
>of 1/100 is confusing given the names of the units, and the fact
>that a bunch of WG members failed to notice this error might be a
>sign that the spec is taking the wrong approach, and we should
>eliminate the 1/100 bit and make a 'vh' be the height of the
>viewport (and likewise for 'vw' and 'vm'/'vmin').


Very sensible indeed.


>𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
>𝄢   Mozilla                     

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2011 22:43:03 UTC